Flower care
Flower care

At Serenata Flowers, we want to ensure that you get the very best out of each bouquet you receive, so we've created a few tips to get the most out of each stem that might be in your bouquet - don't worry it's very easy to care for your flowers, and most flowers love the same treatment!

glass globe on grass

The first thing you'll notice when you unwrap your floral gift is that our flowers are delivered in bud form - this is to preserve freshness and ensure that you get the flowers for the fun bit - when they've bloomed. Don't worry if the flowers look a little limp, this is completely normal after a day of transportation. Just follow these simple steps and give them a little time to look their best:

1. Gently remove any packaging and leaves on the lower part of the stem.

2. Trim about 3cm off the bottom of the stem at a 45 degree angle. If the flower are delivered in a gel-bag, be sure to wash off the gel.

3. Mix the complimentary Serenata flower food and some warm water in a vase and start arranging your bouquet, before popping it in a place where you can admire it's beauty, whilst ensuring that it is not in direct sunlight or cold drafts.


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