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Father's Day Messages

Some inspiration for writing your wishes for Father's Day.

The D Day - Day of Dad. Your one chance in the year to write your name in his good books and score the title of his favourite child.

father and son laughing

Say Father's Day!

Out of all of the fathers in the world, I think I got the pick of the bunch. Happy Father's Day!

I never understood why you did some of the things you did when I was younger. Now it all makes sense. Thanks Dad and I love you.

Happy Father's Day to the man who showed me the power of love through the good times and through the bad times.

To my friend, my guardian angel, Robin to my Batman. Love you Dad!

Thank you for the comfort of knowing that whatever goes wrong, I have a dad who can fix it (unless it's a leaky tap).

Dad, I'm so proud of the many talents I've inherited from you. Happy Father's Day!

I smile because you are my father. I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it.

I love how we don't even need to say out loud that I am your favourite child. Happy Father's Day!

The great love that I have for you is getting stronger, our angels are very happy because they have a father who loves them. Happy Father's Day.

You give our children someone to admire, respect, and honor. You are a fantastic dad. Happy Father's Day to my loving husband!


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